Monday, April 9, 2012

Jens Service Learning

As my service learning project I went into an elementary school in my town and talked to one of the 4th grade classes about bullying.  I actually nanny for students in this school and know that there has actually been a problem with bullying incidents.  I thought this would be the perfect situation to talk to the students.  I actually just spoke to them about bullying and actually did a demonstration with a couple of volunteers.  It was actually a really successful process by the end of it.  Most of the students were totally interested in what I was talking to them about and had a lot of questions at the end.  I think modeling for them a situation of bullying really can bring it into perspective for a child rather than just lecturing at them.  I would do this sort of project with my future classrooms because I think it can teach students a lot about the concept.  I think I would start in my early years with service learning.  I think it can be really effective in elementary schools.

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