Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jen's Final Blog

After participating in this current event about Bullying, I learned a lot about the issue, where I stand and also how much it effects everyone around me.  Bullying is a very important issue and it needs to be taken seriously.  I learned that in a lot of different communities there are groups that try really hard to eliminate bullying and make it a safe environment for everyone.  I believe that punishments regarding bullying need to be enforced in order to make a difference.  Students' need to know that someone is there for them and on their side when something dangerous is going on.  If teachers and faculty let bullying instances go on it can cause a very dangerous situation and someone could get really hurt.  I truly believe all kinds of bullying should have consequences no matter how small the problem is.  In my opinion, bullying should absolutely be addressed in schools.  There should be programs in elementary schools that promotes anti bullying and different resources where students' can turn to if there is a problem.  Students' should feel comfortable addressing an issue and getting the help they deserve.

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