Thursday, March 1, 2012

Final Blog

Kristin's Final Blog

Throughout this semester I have learned many things about bullying that I did not know before. I have always known that bullying happens too frequently in the world and children are taking their own lives, because they think that is the only way to end the bullying. I did not know that there are so many resources and programs available to educate teachers, parents, and children about the dangers of bullying as well as how to prevent bullying from occurring. Also these resources teach people what to do if bullying does occur in your presence. It is important to educate students about bullying so they know they have a safe, trusting adult to turn to if they are bullied or witness bullying. I learned that each school district is required to create an intervention and prevention plan for bullying. At the Witchcraft Heights Elementary School in Salem, Massachusetts there are posters hanging on the walls throughout the school reminding the students that their school is a “bully free zone” and if they see bullying, it is their responsibly to report it because it is wrong and there are serious consequences. Students are reminded that if they witness bullying and do not tell an adult, they are hurting to victim, just like the bully is. I believe that today bullying is focused on much more in schools and being taught and explained to students regularly. When I was in elementary school bullying was present, but it was never really discussed. We were always told to follow the golden rule, “treat others the way we want to be treated.” However the term bullying was not really used. Today students are made aware of how serious bullying is and how to identify a bully. People have 3 chances before they are labeled as a bully. I don’t think anyone would want to be labeled a bully. It is important to educate children about bullying so they can learn how to make good decisions and can grow into nice, accepting, individuals. 

Studnets in schools need to learn how to stand up, and speak out to stop bullying.

If I were to do a service learning project around the topic of bullying in an elementary school I would want to work with the older students, and have them create a play or video for the rest of the school or other schools about bullying. Typically 5th grade is the highest grade in an elementary school, so they are the role models for the younger students. Also I think that 5th grade is where a lot of bullying occurs because children are beginning to form cliques. If the 5th grades were the role models to the younger students, they might see bullying as bad and learn it is wrong and they should not do it. Being told bullying is bad by a teacher does not have the same effect on you as if you were being told by a role model or peer, like the 5th graders in the school. Students will learn from each other that bullying is wrong and can hurt people, making it stick more in young students minds. Bullying should be incorporated into the curriculum in elementary schools because children need to understand why they should not bully, and how they can help others that are being bullied. 

For a service learning project I volunteered at an event at Salem State called “Turn if off! Turn it on!” The event was an indoor field day for families in Salem to come and get active while enjoying delicious, but nutritious snacks. The event was put on to promote awareness to childhood obesity. Children need to learn how to be healthy, and that being active can be fun. “Turn it off! Turn it on!” was a huge success. So many families came out to the event on Sunday February 19th. Children participated in many different activities including WII Dance, yoga, bowling, a moon bounce, dance lessons, and basketball. Also children got to participate in a food test tasting activity that introduced them to new, healthy foods. This event was really rewarding to take part in because obesity is on the rise in America right now and so is bullying. More and more children are being bullied, and a lot of the time it is because they are overweight. This event gave children the opportunity to be active, try healthy foods, which in turn may help take steps to decreasing childhood obesity, as well as bullying. At first I thought that giving up my Sunday afternoon was going to be challenging, since I usually like to relax on Sundays, but after doing this event I am really glad that I did. I helped a good cause and a lot of children, just by giving up 4 hours on that Sunday. I would definitely recommend to others to get involved, volunteer your time, even if its only for a few hours. A few hours of your time could significantly change someone else’s life, so make it count!

Some informational websites about bullying: 

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